You can also purchase a domain through Canva if you don’t have one yet. Publish your site using a Canva domain or if you’re on Pro, you can publish on an existing domain that you own. Everyone can work on the design in real-time or view your design for comments. If you’re working with a team, you can share your edited fashion website template in a few clicks. Add more pages to your long-scrolling layout if you need more space for your creative content. Include information about you and your brand, contact details, and images or videos of your best work.

And in case you’ve run out of assets from your collection, browse our media library to find stock photos, clips, and audio files you can freely add to your design.Įnsure you have all the necessary information before designing your fashion website from one of our free templates. You can also edit or enhance your images for final touch-ups. Upload your photos or videos by dragging and dropping them onto your design. Change the theme to match your brand’s color palette and adjust the fonts to suit your branding. As a fashion designer or stylist, translate your creativity from your clothing to your online space. Work your magic on your chosen website template. Whether you’re looking for a website template for your fashion blog, brand, or styling portfolio, we have ready-made designs that are free to use, customize, and publish. Start by exploring our fashion website examples and choosing a template that matches your needs.

Turn ideas into fruition all in one place. Our intuitive drag-and-drop platform is for every business owner, stylist, or blogger who wants to create stylish fashion-inspired websites. Does web design confuse you? Make it quick and straightforward using fashion website templates on Canva.