What is desired from this Imaani Muzaakarah is that when anything happens, our minds and hearts should immediately turn to Allah. His question ought to have been, “How come I forgot Allah?” A man after adopting all the means, still falls sick, so he asks, “How come I fell sick?” In reality he completely forgot Allah. When we forget this, we end up questioning and blaming others. We believe in Taqdeer, Allah’s divine decision, perfect planning, having complete knowledge of everything. And what came to me, could never miss me.” Line 4: The fourth line is, “What’s not written for me, will never come to me. Illness does not decide on its own who to go to and how to go. This conviction has to settle deep in the heart, that every condition of benefit or harm, is only with Allah’s permission. Line 3: The third line is, “The whole world cannot help me or hurt me, without the permission of Allah.” Today we are only turning to the means and asking the creation completely forgetting our creator, Allah. Line 2: The second line is, “If I need anything, I will ask Allah Alone, and turn to Allah Alone for help.”Īt the time of need and help, I should be turning to and asking Allah.

I cannot afford to move away from Salaah, the Masjid, the Qur’aan and the Maktab in times of difficulty. The child has to be convinced that protection lies in Allah’s commands. Line 1: The first line is, “I will look after Allah’s commands and Allah will look after me and be with me.” Repetition will Insha-Allah bring conviction. In this Imaani Muzaakarah, the need is to keep on repeating.